Airports and Aircraft Ground Support Equipment
Aircraft Ground Support Cable Assemblies

Airport Ground Support

WH Kemp is flying high!

WH Kemp: a reliable supplier of Cable Harnesses and Control Panels for airport ground support equipment

Over the past decade engineering companies working in association with the airport and aircraft ground support equipment sector have approached WH Kemp, to discuss potential partnership projects.

These businesses – in turn, suppliers to the likes of Airbus and Leonardo – usually cite WH Kemp’s 54-year irrefutable reputation for manufacturing high quality Cable Harnesses and Control Panels, along with our absolute attention to people-safety standards, as reasons why we sit on their respective outsourcing radars. After all, with ‘passenger safety’ and ‘engineering dependability’ key watchwords for the aircraft industry, businesses working in any aspect of airport ground support equipment, simply must provide proof of nothing short of excellence.

WH Kemp’s 25,000 sq.ft., purpose-built headquarters in Westbury Wiltshire is more than capable of accommodating the manufacture of large, highly complex Cable Harnesses; harnesses (and indeed Control Panels) which go on to form an integral part of aircraft handling tractors capable of manoeuvring – pushback, towing and repositioning – some of the world’s largest aircraft between airport gates and maintenance hangars at international airports.

Airport Ground Support Equipment reputation & expertise

Aircraft Ground Support Vechicles Cable HarnessesWH Kemp is eager to broaden its customer base in the aircraft and airport ground support equipment sector. We have the reputation; we have the expertise; we have the infrastructure; we have built and tested dependable Control Panels for potential end-use in, for example, the defence equipment of overseas armed forces – Control Panels for directing helicopters flying from aircraft carrier bases.

Previously, we were also proud to have teamed up with Airbus – an international pioneer, power-house and proven leader in the aerospace industry – to discuss solutions for off-aircraft Cable Harnesses used in testing on-aircraft electrical equipment. Additionally, WH Kemp has built Cable Harnesses for aircraft power generators.

Right-First-Time service

Working in the airport and aircraft ground support equipment sector demands a special set of skills and capabilities. Above all, a Right-First-Time service. The WH Kemp team works with only the best component manufacturers, by way of guaranteeing nothing but the best solutions for aircraft/airport customers.

Which is why it’s ‘plane to see’ WH Kemp is a ‘must consider’ partner for Cable Harnesses and Control Panels for the aircraft and airport ground support equipment industry.

Airport Ground Support Equipment Project Example:

Cable Harness and Control Panel solution to accelerate customer’s build and lead time.

WH Kemp’s main GSE customer was growing quickly and had been building Cable Harnesses and Control Panels internally with the help of a small Wiring Harness firm. Over the years, specifications had been updated or changed by their engineers, yet some of these changes had not been clearly updated on the drawings.

New directors came into the business and one of their key challenges was to reduce build time and ensure they met their lead time commitments. They identified that the root cause of their build time delays was a combination of quality issues and late deliveries from their Cable Harness and Control Box supplier. Electrical faults invariably arose on the first fitting. In response, the company had built many hours into their GSE build plan for ‘tinker time’, to correct electrical quality issues stemming from Cable Harness and Control Box faults.

The new directors needed a supplier of Control Panels and Cable Harnesses that had a history of delivering quality products on time, at a price that was commensurate with their current costs. The project to solve the build time issue through eliminating the wasteful ‘tinker time’ was made more challenging when WH Kemp discovered that many of the Cable Harness drawings did not include the latest specifications.

Enter WH Kemp. Firstly, the WH Kemp team worked tirelessly through the many cable harness drawings, noting the engineering changes. Differences between the golden samples and drawings were duly noted and reconciled. Our team were proactive in clarifying the product specifications and ensuring changes were correctly incorporated into the latest drawings.

Thereafter, WH Kemp supplied complete Cable Harness kits ready to fit to each tractor – delivered on time.

WH Kemp working alongside customer’s engineers to ensure all drawings are consistently up to date.

The customer initially assigned the Control Panel Builds to a specialist aerospace contract electrical manufacturer. However, after many failed attempts to build to the correct quality, WH Kemp was asked to take over the control panel builds. We were delighted that our control panels functioned perfectly from the outset and the customer was thrilled that their ‘tinker time’ had been eliminated and build times correspondingly reduced.

WH Kemp’s right first time products enabling customers to dramatically reduce their build times.

With set up completed, the customer received Cable Assembly products delivered on time, of perfect quality and they were able to shave over 12 hours off the vehicle build time. We also worked with their engineers to update drawings and specifications to ensure the most appropriate components were being utilised.

If you could benefit from working with a proactive Cable Harness and Control Box manufacturer who will work with your team to increase your business efficiency and improve your build and lead times, then please call one of our experienced team on 01373 823322. or email with your enquiry. We’ll be delighted to discuss how we can help you.

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50 years of reliability WH Kemp Team
Wh Kemp Established 1967

Need a Cable Assembly Manufacturer Guaranteed to be Right First Time?

John Wyatt Management Team

John Wyatt

Managing Director

Prior to acquiring WH Kemp in 2012, John’s business career spanned 30 years in the City of London and in Continental Europe; specifically, Switzerland and Hungary. He successfully directed business units within a number of multinationals, in the consumer, retail and engineering sectors. Amongst the companies where John has worked are Wilkinson Sword, Swedish Match, Pharmacia and Tesco. He has also held the position of MD at various manufacturing SMEs. This wealth of business experience, in tandem with John’s personal and open management style, has proved invaluable at WH Kemp in cementing excellent customer and staff relationships. John also holds an MBA from CASS Business School.