EV and Hybrid Moter Cable Assemblies
EV & Hybrid Motor Cable Assemblies

EV and Hybrid Motors

Partnering with start-ups and advanced manufacturers in the Electric Vehicle sector

We have been working in partnership with those working with EVs and Hybrid Wiring Looms for the evolving EV market is an area of growing interest to WH Kemp. For several years, WH Kemp has been advising and building Cable Looms for start-ups in this EV sector in addition to building Cable Harnesses for large UK based bus companies specialising in the manufacture of low carbon and electric powered vehicles.

Work Example:

Supporting the design of Wiring Looms for new technologies

EV and Hybrid Motors Wiring Harness AssemblyIn 2013 engineers from Williams contacted WH Kemp to work with them on developing cable harnesses for their Hybrid Power Division. Williams Hybrid Power specialised in the design and manufacture of composite flywheel-based energy storage systems, initially focused on the bus, truck and tram markets. The new business was then sold to GKN Hybrid Power with whom WH Kemp continued the relationship.

It was an exciting project to be involved with at the time, looking at various ways the technology could be used in different vehicles and developing the ideas for the supporting cable harness design for a multitude of different vehicles. The technology remains under development.

We would be delighted to talk to both small and larger companies in the EV sector.
If you think our capabilities could help you, please call us on 01373 855220.

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John Wyatt Management Team

John Wyatt

Managing Director

Prior to acquiring WH Kemp in 2012, John’s business career spanned 30 years in the City of London and in Continental Europe; specifically, Switzerland and Hungary. He successfully directed business units within a number of multinationals, in the consumer, retail and engineering sectors. Amongst the companies where John has worked are Wilkinson Sword, Swedish Match, Pharmacia and Tesco. He has also held the position of MD at various manufacturing SMEs. This wealth of business experience, in tandem with John’s personal and open management style, has proved invaluable at WH Kemp in cementing excellent customer and staff relationships. John also holds an MBA from CASS Business School.